Mission & Ministry
Here at Frostburg Presbyterian, we don't so much view our work of mission and community ministry as "projects" carried out in Frostburg by the First Presbyterian Church as we see mission as a commitment made by each of us as we respond to God's call to go out into the world and use the gifts and talents God has given us to glorify our Lord through service to others. That way our small church can have a big impact!
As leaders, members, and participants, our contributions help shape many different groups and organizations, including Lion's Club and Frostburg Food Pantry,
When the Hugs ministry of our shawl group moved to Frostburg Village in order to minister to a member who is a permanent resident there, it opened the door to include other residents of the Village.
Those who are no longer able to be as active as they once were find other ways to serve: sending notes, making phone calls, or just sharing laughter, a warm smile, or a positive attitude wherever they go.
For needs that are too big for us to tackle or too far away for our hands to reach or our feet to travel, we provide financial support through special offerings and budgeted giving.